
takproto is a fork & complete re-write of @dB-SPL's takprotobuf <https://github.com/dB-SPL/takprotobuf>_.

Notable differences between the original takprotobuf & this module takproto:

  1. Rebuild proto files using Protocol Buffers v21 <https://protobuf.dev/>_.
  2. Added support for encoding & decoding plain XML, Mesh & Stream TAK Protocol formats.
  3. Remove dependency on untangle module, allowing compatibility with Python 3.6 through 3.10. Unfortunately many single-board computers (i.e. Raspberry Pi) still ship with Python 3.6, this change allows takproto to run on those systems.
  4. Added xmlDetails detection for supporting undefined Protobuf elements in XML.
  5. 90% test coverage with new Unit Tests.

  6. PEP-8 & Black style, linting, documentation & formatting of code.

As much as possible @db-SPL's licensing terms were honored in this fork.